HSM Ammunition

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Bear Load

In territory that could prove to be treacherous in a heartbeat, it pays to be ever-vigilant and always ready. That’s why HSM’s exclusive Bear Load has been a most popular seller since its introduction in 2011. Each caliber’s specially developed load has been expertly crafted from only the best of components. Hard cast, gas-checked (except 10mm Auto) heavy-for-caliber lead bullets precisely matched with temperature stable powders and primers, all housed in highest quality brass cases. Ever-vigilant—always ready.

HSM Code
Bullet Weight (Grs.)
Bullet Description
Rounds Per Box
Cartridge Type
10mm AutoHSM-10mm-9-N200Round Nose Flat Point-Hard104148181074202279250Handgun
10mm AutoHSM-10mm-8-N200Full Metal Jacket109353183730600293950Handgun
357 MagnumHSM-357-18-N180Round Nose Flat Point Gas Check120057683730600353050Handgun
41 Remington MagnumHSM-41-4-N230Semiwadcutter Gas Check123377783730600354750Handgun
44 MagnumHSM-44M-15-N305Wide Flat Nose Gas Check1260107583730600355450Handgun
45 ColtHSM-45C-7-N325Wide Flat Nose Gas Check115596383730600356150Handgun
45-70 GovtHSM-45-70-12-N430Round Nose Flat Point Gas Check1801309883730600359220Rifle
454 CasullHSM-454C-4-N325Wide Flat Nose Gas Check1330127783730600357850Handgun
460 S&WHSM-460SW-4-N325Wide Flat Nose Gas Check1824240283730600362220Handgun
500 S&WHSM-500SW-6-N440Lead Bulet Technology-Wide Flat Nose Gas Check1500219983730600358520Handgun
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